BEAMIDE is born

magnetic loops on the sun Credit: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center/SDO

Beamide is the new INFN spin-off founded by researchers from the INFN Section of Perugia.

The company’s goal is to develop software packages to simulate the effects of radiation on electronic and electromechanical equipment, which helps designers in the creation of devices.

Beamide’s flagship product is the MRADSIM (Matter RADiation Interactions SIMulator) software, a set of simulation packages developed thanks to the experience gained by its founders within the INFN in the field of coding and the study of radiation interaction and technological equipment.

The main feature of these applications is the combination of high calculation performance with a simple graphical interface that allows every user to effectively simulate the effects of radiation on devices, thus expanding the pool of possible users.

The idea behind the Beamide commercial project is to create different versions of MRADSIM tailored to the needs of specific market segments. The importance of radiation effects for space applications has been known for a long time and is being studied more and more thoroughly, particularly due to the ever-increasing use of commercially available off-the-shelf (COTS) components. Only recently, the study of ground effects is becoming relevant, because the density and quantity of integrated electronics used on the ground in many applications is increasing exponentially.

For this reason, the spin-off intends to release different versions of its software package: MRADSIM-SPACE, aimed at the national and international community operating in the aerospace sector; MRADSIM-EARTH, dedicated to terrestrial applications such as nuclear plant design, radiotherapy facilities, radioactive waste storage and more. There is also a Web-based version accessible online, MRADSIM-WEB, based on feedback received from the user community.

A non-commercial version with reduced functionality of MRADSIM is already circulating in the research community. It has obtained very favorable feedback, providing excellent foundations for the subsequent development of commercial versions.

The birth of Beamide represents an example of technology transfer, in which the skills born within INFN are transferred to the market, involving experienced researchers in the process together with young scientists.


Beamide S.r.l. is the new INFN spin-off company that will develop software to simulate the effects of radiation on electronic and mechanical systems

beamide nuova

Thanks to INFN’s experience in the field, Beamide will take care of the development of MRADSIM, a set of software packages that will allow a faster and easier simulation of the effects of radiation on technological devices, helping designers in the creation of the devices.

The study of how a device reacts to radiation is becoming increasingly important, not only in applications traditionally sensitive to this area, such as space but also for terrestrial systems. Nowadays the density of the electronics is growing exponentially, such as in data centers or autonomous driving devices; therefore, these units must be protected from any external event that could alter their operation.

In this field, the use of computer simulations is essential, given the difficulty and cost of verifying radiation resistance in the field or in the laboratory.

Beamide intends to enter the market of interaction simulations between matter and radiation, now dominated by only two companies, by creating software packages dedicated to different applications: space, terrestrial and biological.
